You may incur minimal medical expenses and car repair bills even after a minor traffic collision. Thankfully, auto insurance is essential in the UAE and usually pays for these expenses. Choosing a comprehensive insurance policy or a third-party auto insurance plan might relieve a great deal of tension. You only need to make a car insurance claim in Dubai in the event of an accident, and the insurance company will take care of the expenses. Everything you need to file a car insurance claim in the UAE will be covered in this article.

What to Do After Car Accident in Dubai

After a traffic emergency, it makes no sense to argue with the other driver or engage in physical altercations. In the event that you are in an accident, remain composed and follow these procedures.

Contact the police 

Without a police-provided accident report, you are unable to submit a claim on your car insurance in the UAE. Report the collision to the police before taking any further action. Take pictures of your wrecked car and any other injuries you sustained in the collision. This bolsters your insurance claim and facilitates just paying for you. The scene of the collision, your vehicle, and the photos will all be checked in detail by the police.

Following an inspection, the drivers are given a red or green form or paper by the police. The driver who is at fault gets the red form, while the driver who is affected gets the green form. These forms include the contact information for each party involved in the accident as well as an accident summary. Drivers in Sharjah can use the Rafid Accident Reporting App, drivers in Dubai can use the Dubai Police App, and drivers in the capital can use the Abu Dhabi Police App to report minor accidents.

Speak with your car insurance provider

Report the collision to your car insurance provider as soon as you have the police report. Provide them with all the incident data in order to expedite the process of claiming car insurance in Dubai.

Documents Required for Filing Car Insurance Claim

• A police report

• Car registration document

• Car modifying certificate (if there is any)

• Driving license of both drivers

• Filled insurance claim forms (the claim form that each party gets from their respective insurance provider must be completed by them)

It is relevant to mention how essential it is to carefully study your car insurance policy. The insurance company sends a claim form to both drivers. It is easier for the driver to negotiate the desired settlement amount with the insurance agent when they are well-informed about the terms and conditions, kind of coverage, perks, and exclusions to which they are entitled. One of the biggest sources of worry is not knowing what your insurance covers. So, you must be aware of everything about your selected policy. 

Steps to File a Car Insurance Claim in Dubai

There are a few processes involved in filing a car insurance claim in Dubai after an accident. Furthermore, it would be preferable if you prepared a few documents in advance of filing a claim. You must follow these processes in order to make a claim that goes smoothly:

Let the police know

After an accident, you should contact the police as soon as possible. Inform the authorities of the accident's location. The police will look into the incident and determine who was at fault as well as how it happened. The policeman will later offer a copy of the investigation report. Your insurance provider has to get this report, which helps in determining the actual amount of damage to your vehicle.

Gather evidence

The next step after reporting the incident to the police is to collect the proof yourself. This can be accomplished by taking videos and photos of the collision from various perspectives, which will strengthen your claim. So, don't forget to take this step for easy claiming car insurance in Dubai.

Know what your insurance coverage includes

Go over the terms and conditions of your insurance policy before contacting your insurance provider and filing a claim. Carefully review your insurance policy, leaving no chance for rejection due to technicalities. Recognize the types of damages that are covered and the circumstances surrounding them. In order to prevent your claim from being denied, prepare it appropriately.

Let your insurance provider know

You must notify your insurance company of the accident in order to start the process of filing a car insurance claim in Dubai. You need to send the insurance company the report you created for the claim. You are not required to physically visit the office. You have the option of submitting the report by phone or email. Important documents required to complete a claim report consist of:

• Car registration number

• Police report

• Details of the insurance policy

• Driving license

• Claim form

Verification of claims 

Your insurance company verifies all of the documents and attempts to evaluate the specifics of the accident once you have submitted the claim form along with all of the previously mentioned documents to them. Do you know how? It’s simply by looking over the police report and, if applicable, any supporting documentation you submitted. The insurance company contacts you after verification.

Repair shop assigned 

Following acceptance of the claim, the insurance provider offers you a list of repair shops and issues a reference number. You won't be charged anything if you use one of the shops on their list to fix your vehicle. But you have other options for getting your car repaired if those shops don't satisfy you.

Tips for a Smooth Insurance Claim Filing Process

When filling out your insurance form, be absolutely honest, provide accurate and comprehensive information, and never skip any crucial details. It is essential that you carefully read the insurance policy documentation. This will familiarize you with the requirements and formalities needed for claiming car insurance in Dubai, in addition to providing you with a solid understanding of its features, clauses, inclusions, and exclusions.

Once an insurance policy is purchased, it is vital to maintain it up-to-date (if necessary) to ensure that it reflects any changes to names, addresses, or other contact information. Please make sure to notify your insurance company of any changes to the beneficiary. As the policyholder, you and every member of your family need to be aware of the claim settlement process, including all related paperwork, formalities, and requirements.

You, the policyholder, must also educate the beneficiary after you have a firm grasp of the insurance policy and the process for settling claims. You must apply to notify the insurance company prior to submitting a claim in order for them to start the claim settlement procedure. Keep the documents pertaining to your insurance policy and claims filed away securely and readily available. It is suggested to submit claim documentation well in advance of the claim since incomplete or delayed paperwork might lead to issues and delays. A crucial part of car insurance is claim settlement; if you adhere to these tips, it should go well. 

In Closing

In summary, to claim insurance for a car accident in Dubai, you need to quickly call the police, collect evidence, and inform your insurance company. It's important to know your policy well and give the correct details for a smooth process. Following these steps helps you get insurance effectively after a car accident in Dubai

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